5 Stars: The highest possible rating. This means the book is an absolute must-read *or* you will be hunted down and punished if you do not see the movie.
4.5 Stars: This book or movie was amazing, but I had maybe one complaint about it. You should still absolutely read/see it.
4 Stars: This book or movie was really good, but had a couple of flaws. The offering is still worth at least a rental/library pick-up, but probably could have been slightly better.
3.5 Stars: So the book or movie wasn't perfect, and may not appeal to all audiences. I still enjoyed it and recommend you consider it.
3 Stars: The book or movie was average. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either. Maybe you'll get more out of it than I did.
2.5 Stars: This offering was slightly below average. Some people may enjoy it, but I'm not quite there.
2 Stars: This book or movie was kind of bad. Maybe it had a few shining moments, but there weren't enough to warrant a decent rating score.
1.5 Stars: This book or movie was a real disappointment. The one or two good parts were few and far between.
1 Star: A book or movie that receives one star is really freaking bad. I mean Troll 2 bad. Like Two Girls One Cup bad. Please don't waste your time.