Hey everyone! Thanks so much for sticking around through my lack of recent posting! I adore you all!
MUAH! Love you guys! |
I have a present for my blog buddies! As a thank you for all your support through this tough time, I'm extending a
Things Liz Makes coupon to all my blog followers! You awesome follower friends get
20% off any
Things Liz Makes Etsy Store purchase
from now until May 1st! That's pretty sweet, considering I have some really cute things for $5 or less! So go on over to the
Things Liz Makes Etsy Store and do some browsing! When you check out, use coupon code
TLLBLOGFRIENDS and leave your Google user ID in the notes to seller. Hope to see you all there!
PS: There is a new book review going up THIS WEEK. I guarantee it.
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