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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Time Travel Tuesday: Childhood Career Choices

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" A question all of us were asked several times as kids, and one that received ever-changing answers. Even as an adult, I don't have a concrete answer to this question. As you can tell from the constant evolution of things I do, my interests are constantly evolving, as are most of yours. We never really stay in one place as people. Looking back at the things we loved to do and wanted to be when we were kids is always fun and helps remind us of interests we may have otherwise forgotten.

So what did you want to be when you were a kid? My answers were pretty consistent as a child. I always wanted to be a singer and an actress, as far back as I can remember. I held onto that dream all the way up through high school, and still entertain the thought from time to time. I was blessed enough to be born with musical and acting talent, so it was really easy to hold fast to the idea that I would do that with my life. I would occasionally pop up with other interests that I felt might be a good career choice: writer (hmm...), artist, designer...it depended on what I was into at the time. I remember drawing clothing designs in a notebook in 3rd grade that were a hit among my elementary peers. I have several pictures I drew when I was about 12 on my DeviantArt profile from when I wanted to become an artist. And I've always toyed with the idea of becoming a writer (obviously), which is what I technically ended up doing.

I pursue other interests, of course...crafting has become a big deal to me now (NOTE: The Things Liz Makes store has items for sale now! Check them out by clicking the Things Liz Makes tab!) so it takes up almost as much of my time as reading and writing do. I even entertained the thought of opening my own restaurant because of my love of cooking. So even now, I still see the possibilities in interests and want to make a go at a business. I know I'm not the only one, either!

So tell me about your childhood career choices. How often did they change? Did you live your dreams and make a go at one of your childhood job picks? Have you figured out what you want to be when you grow up yet, or are you still dabbling in a little of everything? Leave me a comment so I can check it out!

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