So last week, I kind of cheated on my movie pick and picked one that's coming out in this week's grouping. I did that for one reason: I was not that excited for anything hitting theaters last week. My only choice was Resident Evil, and while I grudgingly saw it, I was not exactly counting the days till it's release. This week's movie pick is actually one coming out this week, though, so get your box office cash ready.
This Week's Movie Pick:
Easy A
Starring Emma Stone, Amanda Bynes and Penn Badgley
Release Date: September 17, 2010 (PG-13)
I know what you're thinking. Really, Liz? You're excited for a high school sex comedy? Well, yeah. Sort of. It's not the high school sex comedy people think it is. Easy A is a genuinely funny movie that has gotten some pretty great reviews. Cinematical, my favorite movie website EVER, says that Emma Stone kicks butt with the hilarity WITHOUT the use of dirty jokes or slapstick cheesiness. I should mention that I LOVE Emma Stone's work. She is an extremely talented comedic actress, which is hard for a girl to be. So Go Emma!
I read in the same Cinematical review that Amanda Bynes kind of phoned in her performance. This made me pretty sad. Easy A is the farewell film for Bynes, who is quitting acting after being one of my favorite sitcom actresses for a long time. What I Like About You
Other appearances I want to note: Stanley Tucci (BRILLIANT actor), Lisa Kudrow (still my favorite Friend
The Fall
Written by Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan
Release Date: September 20, 2010
Hardcover, 320 pages
HarperCollins Publishers
The Fall
The vampiric virus unleashed in The Strain has taken over New York City. It is spreading across the country and soon, the world. Amid the chaos, Eph Goodweather, head of the CDC's team and one of a small group who have banded together to fight the bloodthirsty monsters that roam the streets, finally manages to identify the parasite that causes the infection. But it may be too late.
Ignited by the Master's horrific plan, a war erupts between Old and New World Vampires, each side vying for control of the planet. As the virus continues to plague the land, humans find themselves caught in the middle of the conflict . . . and at the bottom of the food chain. They are no longer the consumers, but the consumed.
At the same time, the battle finds its way inside Eph's own home: his ex-wife, Kelly, who was turned by the Master, has her sights fixed on Zack, Eph's son.
With the future of the world in the balance, Eph and his team of fighters must use all their skills and Holocaust survivor and former professor Abraham Setrakian's intimate knowledge of the enemy to combat a terror whose ultimate plan is more terrible than the humans at first imagined-a fate worse than annihilation.How awesome does this sound?! I am a HUGE fan of Guillermo Del Toro, and I love the premise to this story. Reviews of the first book are fantastic, so I'm sure this one will follow suit.
This Week's TV Pick:
The Vampire Diaries
Season 2 Episode 2: Brave New World
Airs September 16, 2010 at 8/7c
After the EPIC season premier last week, I expect this week's episode of The Vampire Diaries
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